tuluum's Diaryland Diary


$64 000 A MONTH>.. !

Has anyone else here read that amazing Mary Kay article in this month's issue of Jane Magazine? That there are women in this business making $64,000 A MONTH really speaks to the power of not only network marketing but the freedom and sense of pride and self that comes with being able to set ones agenda amongst a group of people who support you and are there for you. In the end it all comes down to the relationships we make and keep... which leads me to this article by Mark Joyner, former CEO of Aesop Marketing whose marketing insights and strategies I have been following since 1997. I learnt about Free Agent Path however through another mentor however Joe Vitale whose techniques (and book Spiritual Marketing) helped me to triple my gross income within a month and maintain that level of earning. With those guys behind this I eagerly became a beta tester! Because we are encouraged to keep our networks small (6 or less - and how many marketing projects will tell you do that!) I have been bounced around a bit. First I was under Joe (or Mr. Fire as he is also known), then I transferred to Larry Dotson of Hypnotic Marketing fame - follow the advice in his articles if you are into e-marketing, you will NOT Regret it! But as he too whittled his team down to that infinitely small number I was again moved. Now I am under this guy called Mike another well know Netrepenur but not one who I have studied, unlike the other guys. However since he is on their teams I figure he should be pretty kosher. We'll see what happens :) I've already begun MasterMinding with some amazing people around the world! I'm game for most things and since it landed in my lap as an early beta tester right when I was actively meditating (I practice Intentional Meditation) for such an opportunity I figure its providence :) you can read more below ;) .... *wanders off muttering... $64 000 A MONTH!*


The 3 Big Lies You're Being Told About Making Enough

Money to Live Your Dream ...

Part 2 - How the Happiest People I Know Earn Enough to Live Their Dreams

by Mark Joyner


you discovered in Part

I, we basically all have the same dream: get enough money so we

can have enough freedom to live our lives the way we want.

And we've all been fed the same line

of BS about how to do it.

To recap - here is the hard truth:

1.  "Being your own boss" is not

what it's cracked up to be.  Remember, you are the toughest

boss you'll ever have.

2.  "Selling your own product" is

not the only way to make real money.  In fact if you sell a

product of your own, you may in fact gross more money in overall sales,

but your overhead will be much higher (overhead = hard costs + stress).

Remember, it's not about "grossing" a large

dollar figure - it's about earning enough to get the freedom you need to

live your dream.  So easily we forget that ...

3.  Having employees does not

make your life easier.  I love and respect every employee I now

have or have ever had, but as my team grew larger so did my stress. 

Ask anyone else with employees ... If they tell you that having

employees has made their life easier, ask them if the number of hours

they've had to work has changed.  If they are honest, they will

most likely tell you that they are working more hours after hiring


"So, what are you telling me, Mark? 

To get a job?"

Well, yes and no ... (more on that in a


I'm about to show you a path - a path that

will allow you to achieve that dream as long as you're willing to accept

that it will take a healthy dose of honesty, common sense, and hard


To understand the path, you have to

understand the goal.  The goal is to achieve freedom and

happiness, right?

To achieve that for yourself, why not model

people who are truly free and happy?

Our Model:

The Happiest People I Have Ever Met

The truth is, after being in business for

nearly a decade, I've found the happiest people I've worked with were

people successfully promoting products for other companies (via network

marketing or affiliate programs).

Who am I talking about?

I'm talking about successful:

a.  Network Marketers

b.  Investors

These are the "free agents".  These are

the guys who have mastered the art of promoting and selling products for

network marketing companies  (or leveraging invested money) to the point that they have quit their day jobs.

They create their own schedules.

They don't have business overhead.

They work as much as they like.

(But an interesting note is: most work a lot

because they know the more they work, the more they will make. 

However, none seem to mind it at all.  They enjoy it. 

Funny how working without stress on your own terms doesn't seem like

work anymore.  They know they can quit at any time once they've

made enough ...)

The problem is, it takes time to reach this

"free-agent" status.

There are a number of things you have to do

first (hint: the path starts here):

1.  Start from a position of

stability (financial, physical, and mental).

If you quit your job today and think you're

going to become a free-agent overnight you're wrong.

You need to be able to operate from a

position of stability so that you can build yourself to free agent

status without any sense of desperation.  If you're desperate,

people will know and they won't want to do business with you.

You need to keep your physical, mental, and

financial health.  If you have a job now, keep it.

if you're in a desperate situation right

now, accept it and know that it will take time to get out of it. 

Get yourself stabilized first before moving on.

Take care of your body and learn how to deal

with stress.

Either way, move on to step 2, no matter

what ...

2.  Stop the bleeding.

Get your spending habits under control. 

If you can't afford your current lifestyle, downgrade a bit. 

Swallow your pride.  Getting deeper in debt because you think your

friends won't respect you unless you own a Lexus is not the path to

financial freedom.

3.  Wait ...

I'm not going to show you Step 3 yet. 

Don't worry, I'm not going to hit you up with some sales pitch.

When I first wrote this article in April of

2003 it got the single most response to any article I had ever written

(even more than my famous post 9-11 newsletter).

The response was so overwhelming that I was

inspired to create a 100% free website dedicated to this concept called

"The Free Agent Path."

The Free Agent Path is now a fully developed

"Step-by-Step Path That Leads to True Financial Freedom."

It's grown beyond being a simple website to

becoming a full-fledged movement.  In the first week of it's launch

it's already one of the Top 500 most visited sites in the world.

Start your own step-by-step path to true financial freedom today

(it's 100% free) and find out why this movement is sweeping the globe at

an astonishing rate.

It free, easy, fun, and you'll make a heap

of friends in the process!

All the best,


Mark Joyner

#1 Best-Selling Author, "MindControlMarketing.com"





Curent Clix Ranking: 17 | Previous Clix Ranking: 22

7:14 a.m. - Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003


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