tuluum's Diaryland Diary



This is from Iraqi poet Sinan Antoon.


by Sinan Antoon

Al Ahram

April 17, 2003

In the imagocratic world which inhabits us, one image is usually

repeated ad nauseam until it secures its permanent place in this or

that grand narrative as the moment par excellence. Such is the case

with the toppling of Saddam's statue at Al-Firdaws Square in my

hometown of Baghdad a few days ago. For the majority of this planet's

inhabitants that image will crystallize the so-called "liberation" of

Iraq and the end of Saddam's dictatorship.

Like millions of Iraqis, I have spent years fantasizing about Saddam's

demise. I used to scout the murals in our neighborhood and had planned

to rush to the closest one as soon as Saddam was gone to start my

revenge against his likeness. I thought of adding two horns to his

head, or even giving him a long tail. But, alas, I fled the country

after the 1991 Gulf War and Saddam was still in charge (thanks to the

US which had bombed Iraq back to the pre-Industrial age, but left

Saddam in place). The very last glimpse I caught of Iraq as the bus

crossed the border to Jordan was yet another mural of Saddam in

military attire.

However, the relief and joy I felt upon seeing Saddam's statue toppled

lasted only a few seconds. The scene was marred by the presence of

American tanks and soldiers who, before reaching that square to help a

few Iraqis topple down the statue, had slaughtered many civilians and

left a trace of blood and destruction.

Alas, tyranny is now replaced with colonialism. Let us not be

intoxicated by that image and let it erase the fact that this

"liberating" power itself was complicit in propping and supporting

Saddam throughout the 1980's when he waged his war against Iran and

killed one million Iraqis. All those Iraqis were not worthy of

liberation back then, because they were serving another function:

fodder for weapons and for containing Khomeini's Iran. I remember

seeing Rumsfeld shake hands with our oppressor on Iraqi TV back in the

early 1980's and both Bush I and Reagan supplied him with weapons and

military intelligence while he was gassing Iraqi Kurds. No wonder it

was difficult to topple him without his original sponsors who came

uninvited and with ulterior motives that have become painfully obvious

by now.

Yes there were Iraqis cheering and dancing, but that should not be

(mis)interpreted as rolling out the red carpet for American tanks. The

crowd at Al-Firdaws square was a few hundred and no more. Baghdad is a

city of 4.5 million. Some were cordial towards US troops, but the

great majority in other parts of Baghdad and the country at large were

looking through the rubble of their lives and counting the dead and

the wounded.

After surrounding the statue and announcing the end of Saddam's era to

the world, the liberators stood still and watched the country descend

into lawlessness. The power vacuum unleashed the violence and

repression of three decades of tyranny and exposed the total erosion

of Iraqi social fabric (thanks to twelve years of the most draconian

sanctions in history). Even if there were some Iraqis who had given

the US the benefit of the doubt, they have changed their mind by now

and one can see their anger everywhere. It is surely no coincidence

that the only ministry protected from looting is the Ministry of Oil!

Bush's first words to Iraqi soldiers on the first day of the war were

"not to burn the oil wells."

There is much more than misplanning and blatant disregard of the

responsibilities of an occupying power towards the occupied

population. The chaos and anarchy allowed by the US in Iraq will be

used as a justification for a longer military presence in Iraq. The

latter will, in turn, ensure the emergence of an Iraqi regime totally

beholden to US interests.

One other important detail erased by the image of liberation is the

sight of American corporations salivating like hyenas and waiting for

the prey to give out its last breath so they can jump in and sink in

their powerful claws. Make no mistake about it. Every single item

looted and destroyed will be replaced by an American corporation and

paid for by Iraqi oil. The more the merrier. The Lebanese-American

apologist Fouad Ajami was right when he called the war "the

acquisition of Iraq."

"Al-Firdaws," the name of the square where "liberation" took place,

means "paradise" in Arabic. The hawks promised that a post-Saddam Iraq

would be a paradise for Iraqis. It seems that that future paradise has

already been lost!



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11:45 p.m. - Saturday, Apr. 19, 2003


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